
Mpact Recycling Supports Global Recycling Day

Every year, the Earth yields billions of tonnes of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out. That is why we must think again about what we throw away – seeing not waste, but opportunity.

The last decade has been the hottest on record, and we are now facing a climate emergency of unparalleled proportions. We will see continued rising global temperatures, the melting of icecaps, continents on fire and more if we do not make a change.

This directly affects humanity with increased poverty, immigration from displaced communities, job losses, mountains of waste in the form of landfills and natural habitats disappearing. We have the power to make lasting changes to combat this, and with recycling being recognised in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030, we are already seeing many individuals, governments and organisations taking direct action to support the global green agenda.

Junior colleges
With the theme of Global Recycling Day 2022 being #RecyclingHeroes, our very own Ronnie Recycler joined learners from Junior Colleges around Johannesburg and Pretoria to celebrate the day.

Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources.

Communications manager for the recycling business, which includes Mpact Recycling, Donna-Mari Noble says Global Recycling Day is an important initiative by the Bureau for International Recycling (BIR). “We are excited about the campaign because it urges people to think about recycling in a new way. There is no doubt that recycling is critical for the wellbeing of the planet and the BIR initiative is a refreshing way to get this urgent message across.”

The Global Recycling Foundation is pleased to announce the theme of Global Recycling Day 2022 as #RecyclingHeroes; as a continuation from the 2021 campaign. This will recognise the people, places and activities that display what an important role recycling plays in contributing to an environmentally stable planet and a greener future, which will benefit all. Where better than our own #RecyclingHeroes

Mr Recycling with Kids
Ronnie Recycler shows children from Junior Colleges Castillian how to determine which types of
paper and cardboard are recyclable and can be deposited in a Ronnie Paperbank.

In observance of Global Recycling Day, Ronnie Recycler, the Mpact Recycling mascot visited the Junior Colleges schools across Johannesburg and Pretoria. Each of the five schools which Ronnie visited, participated in a ‘paper day’. The learners received Little Ronnie bags ahead of the visits and took the bags home to collect paper and cardboard products to fill up their bags for recycling. The learners then brought these bags full of recyclable material to school on Global Recycling Day to ‘feed’ Ronnie. This is what a paper day is all about. Ronnie thanked the learners for their fantastic recycling contributions and encouraged them to continue to fill their Little Ronnie bags daily, so that recycling at their school becomes sustainable and is not just a once-off activity.

Global Recycling Day was created in 2018 to help recognise, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. It is a day for the world to come together and put the planet first.

As the leading waste collector in SA, Mpact Recycling, part of the Mpact Group collects and receives approximately 600,000 tonnes of recyclables per annum, which includes paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and cans.

Mr Recycling with Kids
Ronnie Recycler visited learners from Junior Colleges Sunninghill to celebrate Global Recycling Day 2022.

All recovered paper material is supplied to paper mills including our own Mpact paper mills to be manufactured back into paper - this is then used to manufacture innovative board products, sold to the SA packaging industry. Other recovered material is sold on to other recyclers for conversion into glass, plastic and paper products.

“This is material that would have otherwise ended up in the streets or in South Africa’s already strained landfill sites,” adds Noble.

In fact, says Noble, recycling helps to fulfil several objectives including combating climate change; boosting local employment; and conserving primary resources.

Want to do your part, here in South Africa? Support a local school or community that is part of the Mpact Recycling programme by simply dropping off recyclable material such as cardboard, paper, cartons, newspapers, magazines, cereal boxes, toilet roll cores and even old books where you see the big green Ronnie banks.

Some recycling tips to remember:

  • Separate waste into paper, plastic, tins, glass and non-recyclable household waste.
  • Flatten boxes and your long-life milk and juice cartons. This saves space and makes it easier for recycling companies to transport.
  • Do not wet or throw greasy items in with the paper. This compromises the usability of the paper in the recycling process.
  • Flatten plastic containers and remove lids. This helps to save space.
Felixton Paper Mill
Mpact's Felixton paper mill based in Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, celebrated Global Recycling Day by gathering staff members for exciting activities, educational talks, and a lucky draw.

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